by the water fountain
we were all supposed to meet
in a place called libis**
seems like a fun place to sit down and eat
There I was. Sitting alone at Café Havana while the rain outside seemed like not letting up. My sis and a friend had excused themselves earlier to freshen up. I took a sip of my chilled mangojito which is concoction of rhum, mango juice and crushed mint leaves. It is the Manila version of the classic mojito cocktail.
Here I am again, back in Mexico, and my fourth time to be exact. This time we went to the mother of all Mexican cities instead of the coasts. I realized it is the most times I've visited a country other than the States and the Islands so when Mexicans in la ciudad ask for my ethnicity (probably because of the way I speak Spanish and with a thick foreign drawl), I jokingly tell them Soy un Filipino Mexicanizado. I get a smile back 99% of the time.
The original plan was to go to Palawan although we weren't exactly sure where to - Puerto Princesa, Coron, or El Nido. The Salvadoran also wanted to stay one more day wherever we were headed. So that would make the package a 4 days / three nights. I started making arrangements with the travel agent in Manila a little too late because the Salvadoran didn't arrive from Vietnam until 12/19. I learned that there are only a few chartered flights from Manila to Palawan so 4 days in the island would already include Christmas eve and we didn't like that. My mom and siblings wouldn't appreciate that either. I had to make another plan. Bohol and Panglao Island sounded right.
That and four other phrases sum up my Japanese language skills. This is probably why Tokyo, or Japan for that matter, was not in my list of places to visit. Not even after seeing the movie 'Lost in Translation'. Other than my brother and my sister-in-law, I don't know anyone else making a big deal about Japan.